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The Letters of Katherine Mansfield: Volume II

Saturday — April 9, 1922

Are you coming on the 18th? I went out to-day, Miss, and bought myself a sweet-pretty-hat-it-was-indeed, and page 204 walked away in it carrying my dead one in a paper bag. Which is to say:

That this reaction seems to be nearly over. I do feel much better. Manoukhin is very pleased—was yesterday.

Oh, Brett, I can't say what it's like! I still don't dare to give myself up to believing all is going to be quite well. But all the same…

The following letter needs a note of explanation. The part in italics was written by J. M. Murry. It was, in fact, the beginning of an ordinary polite social letter to the wife of a French friend. He left it unfinished on his writing table and went out. When he returned he found it completed for him.

Victoria-Palace Hotel
rue Blaise-Desgoffe,
Paris 6ème
le II avril 1922