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Nelson Historical Society Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4, December 1959

Society Seeks Greater Support

Society Seeks Greater Support

page Eleven

A recommendation to the incoming committee that more publicity be given the affairs of the Nelson Historical Society was carried at the 1959 annual meeting of that body.

This was the outcome of a discussion on the work being carried out, during the course of which Mr G. Newport suggested that quite a number of Nelson people were suspicious of the Society and its objects.

"We are here for the good of the province and not just to take advantage of material that might be of value to many families." he said. "A great deal of tact is required in our work, and we have not got to be too dogmatic or, on the other hand, too passive.

"Many people do not know what our objects are," he added, proposing the motion.

Open for Inspection

Mr J. G. McKay said many members were not aware of the work the society was doing. The office was open each Friday morning and photographs and records were available for inspection.

"We have no desire to hide what we have," he said.

The president (Mr L. E. H. Baigent) paid a tribute to the hours of work given by Mr McKay and Mr J. A. Jenkins. The work of the society was proceeding steadily and quite a number of items, such as the Gibbs diaries last year, were coming in, he added.

Mr P. B. Griffin: If we are going to go ahead and have the best collection in Nelson, we will have to have the support of the public. We need not only a suitable building but a trust fund to ensure its maintenance.

Mr Baigent pointed out that the collection was at present housed in Wellington and it would remain there until it was possible to ask for it to be transferred to Nelson.