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Nelson Historical Society Journal, Volume 1, Issue 5, December 1961

Albums and Family Papers

Albums and Family Papers

"Photographic albums from the late Captain Walker's Estate, the Colt family, and the F. G. Gibbs Estate are an acquisition.

"The Berry family papers were copied and we hold the originals. Our policy has been, and I hope will continue to be, to copy letters and manuscripts of interest, have them bound where necessary, and share the expense with the donor of the documents. They are usually very pleased to have a bound copy of the manuscripts they give to us. The Berry family papers centre round F. T. Berry, who was an early arrival in Nelson, and the correspondence, commencing in 1838 in London, carries on for some 40 years among various members of the family.

"Photographs come in all the time, and sooner or later our detective service, conducted by Messrs Field and Collins, succeeds in identification.

"Articles of great variety are given to us, e.g., a doll dressed in period costume, a stove from the old Spring Grove Methodist Church, some very beautiful Crown Derby, an old cannon ball, etc. We, like the magpie, keep everything. Some day we may be able to set up rooms furnished according to the period. If you visit the Canterbury Museum, you will see what I mean.

"Two estates have recently brought in a large amount of material.

"(1) The Hector Walker Estate centres mainly round farming and timber milling in the Inangahua and Buller area. Records are very complete in detail, and some day will provide useful reference for the period. Sport, S.P.C.A. and Kennel Club are also features.