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Nelson Historical Society Journal, Volume 2, Issue 5, November 1971

The Wakefield Plaque

page 18

The Wakefield Plaque

The simple memorial at the foot of Richardson Street is probably the most historic spot in Nelson. When Captain Arthur Wakefield, R.N., landed there on the 1st November, 1841, he was looking for "a good safe harbour" and "sufficient flat land". Wakefield came, looked and was conquered.

Unfortunately, Wakefield's leadership of the newly found settlement was to be short, for he was one of the victims of the Wairau Massacre on June 17th, 1843. This was 19 months after the landing. Judge Broad described Wakefield thus—"Wise, temperate and firm; unassuming, with self-confidence…. always the active servant of duty—he was by nature cut out for the founder of a colony, for a leader of men". The name of Wakefield will always be remembered in the history of Nelson; and particularly in the history of Port Nelson.