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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1877.

Report on Petitions of Hone Paratene and Others (No. 2), and Henare Tawha and Others

Report on Petitions of Hone Paratene and Others (No. 2), and Henare Tawha and Others.

The petitioners request that additional Native members of the House of Representatives may be elected for the Middle Island, and also that the promise alleged to have been made by the late Sir Donald McLean, that Maoris from the Middle Island should be called to the Legislative Council, may be carried out.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That the Committee recommend the prayer of the petitioners to the consideration of the House when the question of the readjustment of the representation of the colony is brought before it next session, as promised by the Government.

John Bryce,

12th September, 1877.