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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1878.

No. 141.—Petition of Ani Ngarae and Others

No. 141.—Petition of Ani Ngarae and Others.

Petitioners pray that a piece of land, said to have been sold secretly by Te Moananui, may be returned to them. The Native Affairs Committee, during the session of 1876, entered very fully into the matter raised by the present petition, and took evidence thereon at considerable length, the conclusion arrived at being embodied ill the following report, which was referred to the Government by order of the House two years ago:—

"Petition of Ani Ngarae Honetana and 2 Others.

"The petitioners complain that their mother, Ngarae, was entitled, with others, to a block of land at Tauranga, called Te Rereatukahia, and that, she having died, they have been deprived of their beneficial interests in the land by the issue of a grant to one Native only, to the exclusion of Ngarae's kin.

"It appears that this block of land was returned to Moananui and Ngarae at the time when the Government was settling the cession of the Te Puna and Katikati Blocks. Subsequently Moananui made application to the Native Office at Tauranga to allow the grant to issue in his own name only, offering to set aside other lands for Ngarae and her children, and the Native Office appears to have consented.

"I am directed to report as follows:—

"The Committee think that such powers should not be exercised, unless publicly and in the presence or with the consent of all parties interested. However, land was pointed out to the Native officers by Moananui at Matakana, which land the Native Department here alleges will be granted to the petitioner and others, children of Ngarae. Nearly six years having elapsed since this arrangement was made, the Committee consider that legal effect should be given to it without any further delay.

"John Bryce,

"20th October, 1876."

The only additional evidence obtained by this Committee is to the effect that the recommendation made by the Native Affairs Committee of 1876 has not yet been carried out.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That the Committee can only repeat the recommendation made in 1876 on the subject of this petition.

13th September, 1878.