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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1879, No. 2.

No. 296, Session II.—Petition of G. P. Mutu and 20 Others

No. 296, Session II.—Petition of G. P. Mutu and 20 Others.

Petitioners state that they have seen that an Act is to be passed vesting their lands in other persons. There is also another Act being passed regulating the Maori vote. The first-mentioned Act will never suit the Maori race, because they are able to look after their own affairs. With regard to the second Act, they never asked to be placed upon European rolls—it was the Europeans who placed them there; and therefore they have a right to be left on. They ask for the Act which provides for the Maori votes being left as it is.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That the Committee regret that the time at their disposal has not been sufficient to enable them to make such inquiries as would justify them in reporting an opinion on the subject-matter of this petition.

11th December 1879.