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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1891, No. 2.

No. 70, 1891, Sess. II.—Petition of Rewi Maniapoto

No. 70, 1891, Sess. II.—Petition of Rewi Maniapoto.

Petitioner prays that the trusts of Crown grant No. 20782, of 26th March, 1881, under which he holds Allotment 112, in Township of Kihihiki, Auckland District, be altered, so that after his death a home may be provided for his wife (Te Rohu) and her children.

I am directed to report that, the petitioner having been one of the most prominent figures in the history of New Zealand, and that during his later years he used his influence in promoting the administration of the country, the Government would, in the opinion of this Committee, be doing an act of justice, and will pay a just tribute to Rewi Maniapoto, if they give effect to the prayer of the petition. The Committee therefore recommend this petition to the consideration of the Government.

9th July, 1891.