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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1894.

No. 101.—Petition of Ropiha Taurua Rangihaukori and others

No. 101.—Petition of Ropiha Taurua Rangihaukori and others.

Petitioners pray that a promise made in 1867 to give them a reserve between the Patea and Whenuakura Rivers be given effect to.

I am directed to report—(1.) That the promise by Mr. J. C. Richmond to Taurua, in 1867, of land between Whenuakura and Patea was made conditional upon Taurua and his people remaining loyal. (2.) That Taurua and his people did not so remain loyal, but joined the Titokowaru outbreak in 1868-69. (3.) That, after the war was over and peace restored, the Government specially considered the interests of Taurua. (4.) That the Royal Commission, known as the "Fox Commission," took the case of Taurua and his people into especial consideration, and made them grants of land which, under all the circumstances, was considered sufficient for their use and maintenance.

The Committee therefore think that this claim has been fully satisfied, and have no recommendation to make. 1

21st August, 1894.