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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 16 July 20, 1938

In the Universities

In the Universities.

"What impressions have you gained of musical taste shown by students in various countries?"

"In the older countries such as Italy, France, Germany, children have the incentive to pass on a fine tradition of song and music. Shall I say theirs is a rich inheritance" In younger countries like America, Australia and your own very beautiful land, I find the younger generation eagerly seeking to make acquaintance with the arts. The love and devotion for fine art is there—there is no doubt. I was tremendously impressed with the keenness and sincerity of student, at American Universities. They desire only the best and finest—in their own words they demand something Bigger and Brighter. They sponsor special recitals for younger high school students. I remember well singing to a tremendous gathering of young scholars. Firstly, I selected several traditional folk-songs of Russia, and in singing them I endeavoured to paint a vivid picture of Russian history, to recall how the oppressed masses expressed their varying emotions in song in their search for enlightenment, beauty and happiness."

His voice had become soft and appealing, his eyes were closed, yes. Dreaming perhaps.

Mr. Kippis will always appeal as a charming personality—with his keen sense of humour and priceless stock of humorous incidences. Let him illustrate.