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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 16 July 20, 1938

The Missing Link

The Missing Link.

There was much else besides. But something was missing. What was It? Ah yes! At question time it came out. A .V. U. C. student rose and asked Mr. Holland: "As this is an address mainly to youth. I've been rather surprised that there's been no mention made [unclear: a] Education Could you tell us whether your party, if elected, will (a) carry the Labour Government's education policy, or (b) revert to [unclear: the] disastrous policy of the previous Nationalist Government?"

"Aye, there's a nut to crack." said the sceptics. Mr. Holland didn't try. He said that the educational policy of the Labour Government, having been before a Select Committee, was not yet available for discussion—(rude people laughed here)—and he was very vague about the second part. Very vague indeed.