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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 16 July 20, 1938



The Senior "A" team drew a bye on Saturday, but gained two points through Training Colicué defaulting the hold-over first round game. At the end of the round Victoria was third with eight points, the leaders being Wellington East Old Girls and Kia Ora with eleven points each. The V.U.C. nine are expected to beat the leaders in the second round—at least, that is the current "down-town" opinion.

Against the strong Kia Ora combination the Senior "B" team gave by far its best display of the season. With their first victory yet to be registered the team was hardly expected to run a leading team to 21/18. The experience of Joy Osborn is telling in the forwards, and we look towards the second nine to register some points in the next few

Wellington Reps.

The choice of three Victoria College players for the Wellington Senior Representative team to play in the New Zealand Tournament at Timaru in the vacation is gratifying to a team that has played consistently and trained thoroughly. Of the three picked after searching trials two are new to rep. Basketball. Neither Erice Overton nor Marie Walker have participated in a New Zealand Tournament, and the experience there will stand the College well in future N.Z. University contests. Janet Grainger is no newcomer to the reps. her forward work is outstanding in Wellington, and her combination with Erice will be of considerable value at Timaru.

"Salient" has ascertained the playing records of the representatives, who, by the way, make up one-fourth of the whole team.

Janet Grainger represented V.U.C. at Tournament in 1934-35-36, being given an N.Z. Blue in the last year. In 1937 she captained the Training College team and was awarded a Blue. Wellington Reps, in 1934-35 earned Janet a place in the North Island team in the latter year, when she was the outstanding forward on the field. Had she not refused selection to the Wellington team last year it is very likely that she would be in Meg Matangi's N.Z. team to Australia this year. She is very fast in positional play, combines with strange players as well as she does with her team-mates, and is a most accurate shot. Incidentally, Janet has an N. Z. Hockey Blue as well.

Erice Overton represented V.U.C. in 1930-37-38 at Tournament, the first two years as a defender. Owing to the shortage of forwards of talent this year she undertook the strange and difficult work of goal-throwing. Her success in this third of the field can best be gauged by her selection this week. No player in Wellington is speedier on the court nor has better hands. At Auckland this year Erice paved the way for goal after goal, and her captaincy and popularity were no mean factors in the team's holding of the Shield. The pleasing feature of her play recently has been a high percentage of accuracy in shooting, and this was the deciding factor in her choice for the reps.

Marie Walker played in the University Tournament for the first time this year. Illness prevented her travelling, in the two previous years. Her contest with Meg Matangi in the Auckland game and her fitness and consistency earned her a Blue. In defence Marie is indefatigable, combines excellently, and gives the fewest of penalties. She has earned her place against the hottest of competition.

Victoria College feels proud of these players, and "Salient" wishes them well when the North Island team is being chosen.