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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 16 July 20, 1938

Trial Match

Trial Match.

Senior A. Second Division and Senior B. Championship games were suspended on Saturday for the purpose of allowing a representative trial match to be played between teams from these two grades.

In this game V.U.C. was represented by nine players—Tricklebank, Eastwood, Wild, Bryers, Bridges, McNicol, Hansen, Harpur, and Armour.

Tricklebank had little to do at fullback, but played soundly. The Bryers - Wild - Eastwood combination went well, although Bryers was inclined to overdo the cut-in at times. Wild made an occasional burst, but was not as prominent as usual. Eastwood played a fine gaine, and his performance must have brought him before the notice of the selector. Whenever he received the ball, he ran strongly. Harpur, in the opposing team, had a heavy day trying to mark Eastwood, but managed to get in one or two dashes on attack.

Our four representatives in the forwards showed form to justify their inclusion in the trials, McNicol possibly being the best.

In the Senior B. team, Armour went well in the line-out and the tight play.