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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 1, No. 18 August 3, 1938

The Judas

The Judas

There is no place where I may go
And rest like other men,
When bitter winter winds are here,
And darkness comes again,
When Spring and Summer's gladness goes
And Autumn's peace is gone,
There is no heart will think of me
When I'm alone.

One law there is of man and God
That binds the earth and sun;
One law of love for everything,
All laws that are but one.
And who may sell his friend for drink.
Or pawn his heart for gold,
Will be alone when winter's by.
Alone and old.

For men will drink with anyone,
And with their lips they jest,
But men will love within their hearts
As God has shown them best.
And men will read another's tale.
Or sense a murdered friend,
And shut and bar their doors and hearts
Toward the end.

And some will whore their wives for drink,
Or kill a foe in fear,
And there's no sin in body lust,
Or shame in sword and spear.
But who'd betray another's love,
And sell a heart for gold,
Will find no friend when winter's by
And he is old.

Leon Coad.