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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2, No. 13 July 5, 1939

[Letter to Salient from N. A. Morrinson, July 5 1939]

This issue of "Salient" has been produced entirely by Mr. W. S. Mitchell and a staff appointed by him. As many readers are aware, this position has arisen from an offer to hand over the editorship made by the Editor at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, which offer was accepted by Mr. Mitchell.

I desire to make it quite clear that, in acting thus, the Editor was taking a step which has already been discussed and approved by the Publications Committee. Mr. Mitchell is the guest Editor of this paper for a short period only through the courtesy of Mr. Freeman.

In company with officers of the Association, I have every confidence in Mr. Freeman's ability to conduct "Salient" in an efficient and unbiassed manner, and I point out that the action of the Executive in allowing Mr. Mitchell to assume control for an issue in no-way reflects on the extremely thorough and satisfactory manner in which this paper has been conducted by Mr. Freeman and his predecessor.

(Signed) N. A. MORRISON,

President, V.U.C.S.A.