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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940

Totara Flats

Totara Flats.

After half an hour's wait for the members who had slept in, Mr. Anderson arriving strangely unabashed and Miss Ross arriving not at all, Ron Meek's party for the new Dalefield-Kaitoke trip left the Telephone Exchange at 9a.m.

When Kaitoke was reached, Joy Stock and Messrs. Anderson and Johnston loft the lorry to make their way to Tauherenikau. The rest of the party travelled on over the Rimutakas.

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Starting from Dalefield three hours' bush scrambling brought us down into the beautiful Totara Plats. On arrival at Sayers' Hut Messrs. Viggers, Collin and Butchers declared their intention of crossing the Waiohina that night to relieve the congestion at Sayers. Accordingly, Don was attached securely at the end of the many feet of rope that had luckily been brought, and he sallied forth into the treacherous current. After 20-minutes battling in the icy water he finally reached the bank.

A pleasant night was spent by the main party in singing Extra v songs, consuming stow, and discussing the historic mission of the working class in the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the establishment of a socialist society. Early to bed with our Devine insisting on reading "True Confessions" in bed.

Next morning as the mists cleared Totara Flats were soon at their best. The Waiohina was crossed without too much trouble and the party proceeded down the river and up into the, push towards Cone Saddle. Cone Saddle Hut was visited and came the descent to the Upper Tauherenikau. At Top Hut an amazing meal of bread butter cheese sardines onion was masticated. This later had the most amazing effect on some members of the party, especially Mr. Boyd.

At the Chateau two been bottles on the mantelpiece proved that the two other members, had boon and departed. Over the hill and to the lorry, concluding one of the pleasantest trips the Tararuas have to offer.
