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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940

Centennial Scandals

Centennial Scandals

"Unto Meek a child was born", This is Ron's best show to date, not only from the point of view of maintenance of interest but also for general punch. Although the Past Present and Future were loosely linked, Dr. Weevilbole being the only connection, this was covered up by Swingy Tawiwi (Barry Ervine) with his dramatic and entertaining broadcasts.

The stage setting in Act 1 Scene 1, "Somewhere in Ao Toheroa", was most colourful, as was the costuming; which by the way was, throughout the whole of "The Scandals" of a high standard, and Wardrobe Mistresses should receive no little raise. Dr. John Weevilbole (N. Beatus) Whui (Dennis Hartley) and Whui Tu (Diana Shaw) are deserving of commendation and especially the (I nearly said missing) link Weevilbole. As for Captain Rook (D.M. Saker), a young lady asked me after the show who the chap was with the flashing eyes and shining teeth.

The Interlewd "Somewhere in London" with the Capitalists song reminded me of a book called "Studies in a dying culture)"

Boloney Beach was notable for Three-in-One Cakefield (R.P. Kellaway), the Maori Chorus "Tena Koo, Ao Toheroa", and the Moas. The latter commonly, called the Moas out of Mike Mitchell (Properties) were little Masterpieces. I thought, however that they were a little too staid throughout the whole proceedings.

A pointed Interlewd with a Bishop in which the Maoris were denuded of their titles to land was subtle and effective.

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In the Maitangi scene, the Maoris signed under false protoncos before Robsem (P. Graham). Then to Lord Bloodyslow, accent correct, attire and accoutrements similar, and did the audience like him! Maitangi closed with-a-rousing chorus - "Roll out the barrel!" The wahire s and warriors gave verve to the scenes.