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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 3, No. 4. 1940

The Future

The Future

The leap into the future envisages a land void of masculinity except for Weevilbole, the Scarecrow (R. L. Meek) and the Tin Man (J. McCreary). A background of futuristic buildings represents the City of the Wizard that Voz. The Apple chorus was bright and snappy. Full of Vim. An entrance by the Scarecrow and Tin Man, the former withott a brain, the latter without a heart A short ballot with most appropriate actions. I liked the swing of the trio "Said the Scarecrow", To get in to the City that Woz was the aim of the pioneer and Maori women. The oracle, however, turns out to be Dr. Weevilbole who has lost the key to the City.

Music throughout was under the capable direction of Miss Joan Wollerman and Messrs. J. McLaughlin and B. P. Pierard.

A partie ularly good finale to the Internationale ends a daring (?) but successful production that places on record at least one function during the Centennial year that is not marred by traditional Blah. So be it.

"Lee nard"