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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 5, No. 3 May 28, 1942

A Petition is Ignored

A Petition is Ignored

When the graduands and undergrads of V.U.C. heard of the Council's announcement of capping in C.3. there was great indignation among the students. On Monday a petition was organised and signatures on the petition numbered over two-thirds of the graduands, and in the half-hour before the petition was handed in some two hundred signatures of undergraduates supporting the graduands.

This support was given freely to protest against the Council's arbitrary action. At five o'clock a deputation waited on Sir Thomas Hunter. The result, as might have been expected, was a refusal. This attitude met with the disapproval of the large majority of the students.

Victoria College, The Chairman, V.U.C. Council.

Dear Sir,

We the undesigned strongly protest on the following grounds, against the Council's decision to hold a graduation ceremony in room C.3.

We have been offered no valid reason why the ceremony should be held under conditions where ceremonial dignity is impossible.

We feel that as this is the only public function held by the College as a whole, it is inadvisable to confine it to a remote and inaccessible corner of the College.

Owing to the inaccessibility and to the severe restriction of space, many of those who particularly desire to attend, will be excluded.

Moreover, considerable disappointment will be experienced if the ceremony is held in the manner proposed by the numerous graduands now in the forces who have been granted special leave for the occasion.

We feel that unless a suitable alternative is substituted there is little incentive for us to attend.—We are,

The 1942 Graduands