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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944

[Letter from B.N.D. to Salient Vol. 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944]

Sir,—As a member of the I.R.C. I would like to protest against "Whui's" self-styled "partisan" report appearing recently in Salient.

He begins by calling our speakers pseudo-rationalists. I think the term could be better applied to "Whui" himself. His whole report is a muck-heap of meaningless inferences and unsupported statements. With theatrical gestures he throws his second-hand material right and left—second-hand because he was present only at the conclusion of the address.

When he had exhausted his ill-gotten material he turned to Miss Crompton, devoting to her space out of all proportion to her contribution to the meeting. There he apparently approves of her insinuations with regard to Mr. Miller's sources, and one is left to assume that Lenin, Stalin and Pravda are reactionary sources of information.

Finally, to cap all, his dormant sense of justice allows him to sup press the speaker's authoritative and logical reply to Miss Crompton.—I am, etc.,
