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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 8, No. 6. May 25, 1945

Capping Ball I'Faith

Capping Ball I'Faith

Alack indeed that the University throws not more often a formal ball! Would that we were more oldfangled in our ways. Didst see Capping Ball, Sir Percy, with the ladies clad mighty fine in their pretties, and every mother's son bravely sporting his Sunday best? Egad, but this Victoria College displays an elegant bunch of minxes! Fine body of men you have there, Colonel! And the Town Hall so gaily decorated and a bewitching band of players. What seeks a man in heaven that he finds not here? It began at 10 of the clock. It finished some time ere cockcrow. Who shall tell what occurred between? There was much dancing, they say, and eating and drinking. There was sweet singing and witty converse. There were romances begun and friendships ended. Could any one man write the tale of these 600 souls? Leave such fandanglings to Joyce and Provost, and say only that it was capital carnival.

But, good lords and ladies let us repair more often to this city hall. What more excellent building could there be for dancing and dining than that spacious chamber, those glossy floors, that roomy gallery, the winding passages and pretty cabinet? There is space for every man's Jack and Jill to hop, skip and jump to his heart's content. A plague on this cramping compression where a man can but walk when he would fain gallop. Strike up the band, seigneur Miller, for tonight we are the guests of Lord John Barr, and revelry shall be unrestrained.

Words of a small boy, overheard at the Civic Reception at Palmerston: "Gosh! I must tell the family to go to Extrav tonight this is better than Laurel and Hardy!"