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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11, No. 4. April 7th, 1948



A gamblin' aristocrat of the Regency or thereabouts stakes the family halls against his evening's losses, these comprising all his cash and mother's jewels. He loses, We witness the shift to a humble farmhouse, and the introduction of our bankrupt's son (Dennis Page) to a life of toil. Enter a technicolour Margaret Lockwood as Jassy, pursued, accused of witchcraft, and carefully daubed with mud. Dennis to the rescue. Alarums and excursions, culminating in the befriending of Jassy by Dennis' boyhood sweetheart (Patricia Roc), who is expelled from finishing-school for elopist tendencies before she is properly finished. Back to the family halls held by Patricia's father, a cad if ever there was one, Jassy becoming Patricia's step-mother but retaining her virginity. Dumb girl accounts for Jessy's husband with rat poison-more alarums and excursions, final triumph of British Institutions, and Dennis gets back the family halls with Jassy thrown in.

Verdict: If you like J. Arthur Rank melodrama, this is for you.