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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11, No. 4. April 7th, 1948



Mr. Battersby's appointment as leader of NZUSA delegates, to exercise first vote was confirmed, Miss MacKenzie was appointed as NZUSA delegate to exercise second vote and Mr. H. Dowrick was appointed NZ USA Delegate.

The decision of the previous Exec. to support the nomination of Mr. N. R. Taylor for the President of NZ USA was rescinded (Mr. Lovell dissented) and it was moved "That this association support the nomination of Miss J. Bogle for the presidency of NZUSA."

The appointment of Mr. N. R. Taylor's appointment as an observer from the VUCSA was ratified, provided that Mr. Taylor desires to go.

The Exec. rescinded the motion of 2/3/48. recommending that the honorarium of the Secretary NZUSA be not more than £30, and moved that NZUSA be now informed that this Exec. supports the payment of the present honorarium to the secretary. Discussion took place and Mr. C. A. Macleod suggested that the position regarding a fully paid Secretary be investigated. This year the Secretary received £100 which, it was felt, while too much for an honorarium, was not enough to compensate Mr. Campbell for the work he was at present doing.

The replacement of present resident council by travelling representatives was discussed. Messrs. McArley and O'Brien explained the present position, and the unnecessary work entailed. Mr. McArley stated that all remits were open for discussion, but Mr. O'Brien corrected him and said that in actual practice this was not always so. Finally it was moved "That the remit amending section 8 of NZUSA Constitution be ratified, this remit to be regarded as a basis for discussion."