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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 11, No. 4. April 7th, 1948


In the words of Mr. Taylor "I am not a Communist, I have never been a Communist, and I am never likely to become one." But I am concerned with two things, and with the connection between them; these are, the use of clear language in political discussion, and the practice of straight political thinking. An excellent example of the neglect of these two habits was provided in the recent special general meeting, and in the activities leading up to it.

Of course the Executive started it all. To hail recent events in Czechoslovakia as a "triumph of democracy" is misleading because of the wealth of meanings attached to the word "democracy," and it was muddled political thinking of the worst doctrinaire type to form any definite opinion about these events at this time. But where the Executive led a multitude followed, and where the Executive was foolish, the multitude committed deliberate sins against clear language and straight thinking.