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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 1, February 23rd, 1949.

. . . Affirms Student Congress

. . . Affirms Student Congress

The whole congress was particularly absorbed by Mr. E. A. Plischke and his scientific presentation of the tie-up between social and architectural forms—a presentation which, in any other subject, would be denounced as rank Marxism. Mr. Tovey became quite excited about his pigeon of education through the self-expression of art, and Mr. McQueen was disappointingly trite on the Maori problem—except perhaps in his remark that "porridge for dinner leads to irregularity in Maori life."

The two M.P.'s. Mr. Ormond Wilson, Fabian with a heavy Oxford accent, and Mr. Jack Marshall, Nationalist lawyer, very precise—were both torn up for the proverbial toilet-paper. The latter, with his potentially fascist "liberal way of life," was politely shelved to get on with the former. The official Labour Party line was heard out—and a gutless thing it is too, as one speaker said afterwards. Ormond was asked