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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 1, February 23rd, 1949.

Process. Leads Off

Process. Leads Off

At noon or thereabout on the 16th, a procession will proceed in more or less academic fashion through several of Wellington's streets to the Town Hall where a civic reception will be tendered by the Mayor. Councillors and Corporation. At 3 p.m. on the same day, there will be an "opening Ceremony" at the College. (For those who are not acuslomed to reading between Ihe lines, this does not mean that the College will be opened.) This ceremony will be followed by a conversazione, or "get together'" for past and present students.

On Tuesday. May 17th. the College Council will give a reception in the Town Hall. Wednesday will see another conversazione, this time for the public, at which Faculties and Departments will put on displays typical of their particular studies.

Thursday has been set aside as "Clubs' Days" when the various College Clubs will organise suitable functions. For instance, the Debat-inb Society will hold a dinner and some of the sporting clubs are organising contests between past and present students. Friday evening will be devoted to a ball, once again in the Rathaus ( Hotel de Ville to you).

It it to be borne in mind that this is only the official programme and that individual clubs will probably be arranging functions of their own on the days mentioned.

The Jubilee celebrations should be enjoyable, to say the least, to all students. A Building Fund Appeal will prnhably be launched in the city at the same time and, if students show their interest in the College by attending the Jubilee celebrations, then the citizenry may take more kindly to the appeal for our desperately needed Student Union Building.