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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 6, June 24th, 1949.

Black and Boot-Black

Black and Boot-Black

"You guys think because you're going to college that you own the world," he said. "Just wait till you get out—we'll cut you down to size."

This uninhibited gentleman expressed a common, though usually not so openly displayed, sentiment. Displayed, that is, by word of mouth when we are present.

But the whites who think us degraded manage to advertise the fact in other ways. I feel that the black-faced, red-lipped sketch on the shoe-shine machine in a local college hall, expresses the general attitude towards negroes here and throughout America. Without doubt many white people think I should be a shoe-shine boy for them. I am "out of my place" as a student.

Those are hard, accusatory words. But I was asked to say what I think in these articles. You know now.

As for belonging to campus social organisations, a negro friend sums up the situation in four words: "Fraternities, what are they?" Yes what are they?