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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 6, June 24th, 1949.

Intellectuals Go Red

Intellectuals Go Red

"China's intellectuals have also become growlngly sympathetic towards the Communists. They see things clearly, and being open-minded, find no reason why Communism cannot bo the salvation of their country.

A large majority or them have been reduced to poverty by long years of war. They are therefore in a process of transformation, feeling more and more sympathetic towards the poor and the oppressed. They experienced gradual conversions. The younger generation, students especially, change quickly. Sons and daughters of wealthy parents are willing to live on coarse food within the warm comradeship of the Communists. Only by becoming revolutionary can they gain a sense of worth, acquire a life purpose, and attain to real manhood and womanhood. If a thoughtful young American were transported among Chinese youths of today, it may be doubted if he would not become a Communist too.