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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 6, June 24th, 1949.

The Course Generally

The Course Generally

It is not suggested that the first result of a Law Course reform should be the quick passage of students. If mediocrity is a result then the reform has not been well judged nor has it been effective. Nevertheless some subjects are regarded as more difficult than others and not only because the subjects are themselves more complex. A useful guide to this would be the collection of student opinion some of whom agree that academic and theoretical questions which are more the concern of he student for LLM are over emphasised.

A recent article by Anton Vogt in Salient made the point that note taking is greatly overdone and discussion lacking. Cyclostyled notes with allowances for corrections made necessary by recent decisions of the Courts should be considered immediately. More discussion would be an aid to students who are often loth to discuss problems they do not understand.

Court Work.

It is a fiction that lawyers spend most of their time in the Courts but many spend a considerable portion of it there. Actual experience of case preparation, cross examination and procedure is rare or confined to moots which are usually barely attended.

American Universities make a study of this part of the course. Moots are a regular feature of classes and although difficult to arrange and hold are nevertheless persisted in as essential.

Office Work.

In New Zealand the financial regulations for Law Offices are most strict and there is a high standard of professional integrity.

Students who enter offices know very little about the business of books and methods of business which they have to learn as best they can. A few lectures on office management which cannot be the same for a law office as other offices could possibly be included as an option.


1.More moots as an integral part of the course.
2.Visits to the court for classes.
3.Lectures in office Management.