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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 13, No. 8. April 27th, 1950

No thunder

No thunder

The Executive held a special meeting on the evening of Thursday, April 20, to discuss the letter. The meeting aroused more than usual interest, most of the College groups being represented there in the gallery. With Vice-President Tom Heath in the Chair, the meeting heard the letter being read first: Mr. Heath stated then that he had information which would change the issue. This was that the chances of the Dean coming were now lessened owing to his fatigue on the Australian tour. Mr. Heath moved—and Vance Henderson seconded pro forma—that under the circumstances the resignation be not accepted. Chris Pottinger opined that as personalities and other private line would be dragged out of the cupboard, the meeting should go into committee. The Executive agreed.

Fifteen minutes later they emerged from committee, and the motion was now put and lost. The Executive, still apparently considering the matter one of principle, refused to admit that the changed circumstances would alter the case: they refused to have the majority opinion of the Executive altered in order to retain the President. Neil Mountier moved, Alison Pearce seconded, that the resignation be accepted. The motion was carried.

Almost immediately, on an open ballot, Alison Pearce, Women's Vice-President, was elected President by a majority of 6 to 3 over the other nominee, Tom Heath.

It was decided to retain the ex-President's services on the Finance Committee, where his experience would have been a loss. This was in accord with the offer made in his letter. The new President is now Extrav Organiser, and Mr. Health delegate to the Council Phys. Ed, Committee.

The ripples started some thousands of miles away had rocked the boat hard. One man had gone overboard.

This is the wording of the Executive motion which caused it all:—

"That the Students' Association inquire into the possibility of inviting Dr. Johnson, the Dean of Canterbury, to speak to the students, and to have Sir Thomas Hunter as chairman if possible."

Please note:—

Not "request the attendance of," but "inquire into the possibility of."

There is a marked difference. The misrepresentation of the Executive motion is obvious.