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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 11. August 12, 1954


This year V.U.C. is sending a ski team to the Inter-University Ski Tournament, to be held at Temple Basin during the week August 15 to 20. Not since 1949 has V.U.C. sent a team.

The first Inter-University Ski Tournament was held by Lincoln College at Arthur's Pass (Temple Basin) in 1938. The first tournament after the war was held at Queenstown in 1945. and over since then has been recognised as an annual event in "winter tournament." although points are not added to the winter tournament totals. In 1947. the North Island was represented for the first time by a team from V.U.C, and for the first time N.Z.U. Blues were awarded for skiing. In this year also, the N.Z.U. Ski Council was formed as a sub-committee of the N.Z.U. Students' Association. In addition, an Inter University Championship Trophy, known as the Kirk Trophy, was presented in 1947 by Dr. Kirk, president of the then Otago University Ski Club.

V.U.C. was again represented in 1948 and 1949. It was in the latter your that V.U.C. excelled itself by winning the Ferrier Men's Trophy for the men's combined and downhill events. One of the club's leading skiers at that time. Malcolm Mace, was lost on the yacht "Argo" early in 1951. and it was later decided by the University Ski Council to inaugurate a "Malcolm Mace Memorial Event," C.U.C Ski Club has purchased a trophy, and it will be awarded this year for the best men's slalom team.