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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 11. August 12, 1954



The Badminton team this year is substantially of the same strength as the team which won the unofficial tournament at Auckland last year, and they have a very good chance of winning again this year.

Jim Thompson, Graham Russell, and Larry O'Neill are all A Grade players in Wellington, and have distinguished themselves this year by fine performances against the province's best. Jim and Larry played Tor V.U.C. at Auckland last year, and were both selected for the N.Z.U. team. The other man. John Morrison, is a strong B Grade player who should be extremely hard to beat in the fourth position.

Colleen Nansett is also an A Grade player who will be very hard to beat. The other lady's position has not yet been finalised.