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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 20, No. 3. April 12, 1956

Peking or Wellington

Peking or Wellington

The students of Asia and Africa have looked to Peking and Moscow and wondered. They have long since ceased to look to Washington, London or Wellington. They feel that democracy, as we live it in the West, only breeds moral apathy, political and industrial warfare, divorce and juvenile delinquency. But in country after country, the tide of history is being turned.

"The startling, astonishing, triumphant thing about Moral Re-Armament is—it works!" So said the "New York Journal American," in a recent editorial.

Today on a colossal scale the motives of men are being changed and an answer is being brought to all the "isms", even to materialism.

There are two main reasons why millions believe that Moral Re-Armament's success is inevitable, and that it must and will become the proclaimed philosophy of nations.

First, it is universal. It is for all men everywhere. It offers black and white, East and West, right and left, the common challenge of change and" the common destiny of remaking the world. It says that, no one class, race or nation can do it alone, but all need each other as they undertake together the supreme task of history.

Second, it is realistic. It deals with human nature. Nobody is more idealistic today and nobody more in love with fantasies than the editor, politician or intellectual who, while beating himself on the chest and telling everybody what a realist he is, seriously believes you can create unity in the world without tackling human nature, thoroughly and drastically on a colossal scale. Any remedy which fails to deal with human nature avoids the root of the problem. It is too cheap.

Moral Re-Armament gets results because it gets men changed. Its philosophy is simple. Frank Buchman, its initiator, puts it this way, "Everybody wants to see the other fellow changed. Every nation wants to see the other nation changed. But everybody is waiting for the other fellow to begin. The most reactionary man alive is the person who wants to see the world different but is unwilling to be different himself."

Dr. Azikiwe was no reactionary. Zik, as he is known throughout Africa, is the Prime Minister for Eastern Nigeria, He wanted to see the world different, but he was prepared to start with himself.