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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 20, No. 3. 4th April, 1957



The film, "The Earth Shall be Filled" shown on Tuesday the 19th was sponsored by the University Christian Science group. It was originally produced by the American Christian Science Publication Committee for T.V.—"to correct false impressions". in this it was hardly, successful

The film had three parts, each an interview with people who told how they recovered from disease or accident by the Christian Science healing. The presentation was unfortunate, and did not do justice to Christian Science. The interviewers' manners in each case reminded one of the persuasive American toothpaste advertising, which, after it had been repeated six times was enough to make any stranger to the Society uncertain of its worth. Especially in the University, it would have been wiser to have introduced a lecturer capable of producing logical argument on more than this one aspect of Christian Science.

We hope that other societies will take heed of and benefit by this mistake, and we look forward to a good Christian Science discussion where "false impressions" really will he Corrected.
