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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 20, No. 3. 4th April, 1957

In Camera

In Camera

The last Exec. Meeting was lively with plenty of discussion and this time, and interest shown by all present.

One of the first actions was to dive into committee. It would be against alt traditions if all Exec. matters were open to the students whom they are supposed to represent. Once out of their committee. "Salient" reporter was allowed to hear the motion "that we re-affirm business conducted during committee". Other business apparently fit for public consumption, was that the secretary make investigations about the possibility of erecting more lockers, and various appointments were made. "Salient" noted with especial approval they decision to increase the office secretary's salary to ill. Mrs. Yaldwyn is, with apologies to our representatives, worth several Execs., and it is she who handles most of the Stud. Ass. affairs.

At the beginning of the University year the Students' Association organises an evening for each of the faculties (except Law which makes arrangements through its own club). The Science and Commerce Faculty Evenings were held in the Common Room on Monday, March 19 and Tuesday 20 with lavish suppers supplied by Miss Rosie and co. The Arts Faculty met on Thursday in the Staff Room with a reasonable supper of biscuits and no Professors, we are told. These functions were highly successful. After the formal introductions staff and students minified and chatted over supper About 50—80 attended.