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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 20, No. 8. June 13, 1957

Disappearing Kettles . .

Disappearing Kettles . . .

Ordinary progress was made at the last Exec. meeting. It was decided to draw up a formal contract for the [unclear: cunning] of the Cafeteria. Cafeteria [unclear: eaters] will be glad to note that the [unclear: contract] is to contain price control, if not a very stringent one. Affiliation will be granted to the Christian Science [unclear: Ofu] tion subject, to their constitution being in the terms of the V.U.C.S.A. constitution. Once more the nefarious activities on the Cable Car were disused. It was moved that the culprits send £5 each to pay costs of repairs, with the understanding that if it is too much the money be refunded. Certain members felt that any big bill from the Council (to be sent to the Association now that it has adopted responsibility) would be unreasonable. It was wondered if the City Council were going to try and get new paint cheaply.) (There are no prizes for readers who noted that long before the 'vandalism" the cable car shelters were in a disgusting state and crying out for paint) The motion was lost pending receipt of the actual account.

Once again it was decided to hold an afternoon tea for Colombo Pian students and staff. Finally the ever careful Exec., haven't supped in two sitting since "Salient" jog is only a small one, passed without any apparent dissent, the motion that: "The Kitchen Controller look into the matter of the disappearing kettles and report back to the Executive.—G.A.W.