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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 21, No. 1. March 13, 1958

Capping Book and Procession

Capping Book and Procession

Over recent years there has been considerable public and private criticism of our Capping Book and Procession, and it is evident that the standard and tone of these are in need of revision. My Executive has given careful consideration to these matters, and as a result certain directives have been given to those of our sub-committees which are concerned to see that the necessary improvements are made this year.

With regard to our capping festivities in general, I feel that it is proper to say that good humoured pranking could well be a tonic for the citizens of Wellington, but destructive behaviour gives an opportunity for our friends, and those not so friendly in their disposition, to be justifiably critical.

The least that can be expected of our pranks and publications is that they are witty and ingenious, if not brilliant, in their conception; skilful and accomplished, but not harmful or offensive, in their execution.

This year it is our wish to collect for charity during the procession. The charity to which we hope to contribute is "Birthright"—the civilian counterpart of "Heritage" which is, I am sure, known to all of you. "Birthright" aims to give assistance and guidance to those families which are deprived of their fathers. The Executive is convinced of the worthiness of this charity and I would ask that all who will be collecting should give it their full support.

This collection will be the first that we have made. I am sure that it is by such self-sacrificing gestures as these that we can recapture the goodwill of our friends of the City.