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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University Wellington. Vol. 23. No. 1. 1960

"Five Years Behind in Building"

"Five Years Behind in Building"

"Universities are about five years behind schedule in building programmes," the Report said, although the pace has varied from centre to centre. On Auckland, the Committee has a hard word or two for those trying to ease the University out of the Prince's Street site, and warns of the "disastrous effects on both staff and students in any further delay, by the Council in deciding what site to develop, and by the Government in carrying out its promises to acquire and develop the Prince's Street site."

Victoria comes in for some praise, surprisingly enough, and the Committee thought that an extension to the Biology Block should be pushed ahead. It seemed particularly impressed with the Student Union building. A recommendation that thin be pushed ahead, had it been made about four years ago, might have helped!