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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University Wellington. Vol. 23. No. 1. 1960


Each year the most "fantabulous" and most spectacular motion picture ever filmed is released. 1960 is no exception. America has given rave reviews to the M.G.M. predicted all-time top grosser,

"Ben Hur." A little surprising perhaps, after the harsh treatment that recent Biblical spectacles have received from reviewers and critics. Not even Cecil B. DeMille's "Ten Commandments" escaped unscathed.

But the fact remains that no-one has had an over-critical thing to say about this latest multimillion-dollar effort. In fact, the "New York Times" was sufficiently moved to say, "A Blockbuster! This mammoth colour movie is by far the most stirring and respectable of the Bible-fiction pictures ever made."