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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 24, No. 12. 1961.

Moral Re-armament-Again!

Moral Re-armament-Again!

Sir, I was surprised by the ill-informed comments of V. G. Maxwell in July 10 Salient regarding Dr. Buchman and Hitler. I would refer him to a 126-page report made by the Gestapo attaching Dr. Buchman and the Oxford Group. (Now called Moral ReArmament). It was first disclosed in an A.P. despatch by the American columnist DC Witt Mackenzie (see London Times. Dec. 29, 1945).

The document "denounces Dr. Buchman and the Oxford Group for uncompromisingly taking up a frontal position against National Socialism," in that "they encourage their members to place themselves fully beneath the Christian Cross and to oppose the cross of the swastika with the Cross of Christ, as the former seeks to destroy the Cross of Christ."

Mr Maxwell asks how many Jews there are in M.R.A. As M.R.A. is not an organisation but an ideology, there is no list of members. But I met in the United States both European and American Jews who were and still are giving their whole time to M.R.A.

M.R.A. is filling the vacuum of nihilism and atheism with a positive idea. Some Japanese students, who rioted in Tokyo in June, 1960, are now in Brazil with their play, "The Tiger." Some were communists; some were anti-communist. At Caux, the European headquarters of M.R.A.. they found a moral ideology which united them. Now they are in North-east Brazil, centre of poverty and unrest, with an M.R.A. international force of 186. Said the Federal Minister of Education. Dr. Tinoco, "You have awakened a brilliant response. Never has such a thing been seen in the history of North-east Brazil."

Yours, etc.,

R. A. Caughey.