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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 10. 1964.

New Exec

New Exec

The new executive met for the first time on Wednesday, July 1. This meeting, in contrast to the last few meetings of the previous executive, was noticeable for its lack of noise.

The only people to speak at any length were Tom Robins (president). Alister Taylor (secretary) and Tim Bertram (men's vicepresident).

Tom Robins gave the new executive a little pep talk on several dos and dont's. He said that he wanted the exec. members to do things for themselves and not let things climb up the chain of command. He then pointed out to them that they were elected by the minority of students and therefore before they expressed any opinions on student matters they should realise that they do not necessarily represent the opinions of a majority of the Students' Association.

One of the few things of interest that did arise was the raising of the Student's Association fee, it was suggested by Tim Bertram that it be raised to 15 guineas. The purpose of this rather large increase is to provide funds for the new SUB, since the present one with the new second floor will be inadequate in a few years time.

Other members of the executive had thought of raising the fee, but were not quite as ambitious as this. They had only considered raising it as far as 10 guineas.