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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 28, No. 5. 1965.

Hey Brestow

Hey Brestow

Sirs,—The writer of your regular feature "Brestow" has made it painfully apparent that he totally lacks artistic ability, satiric skill, and a sense of humour. The facial expressions of his cretinous cartoon character seldom alter—indeed, they are childish in presentation. His "message," furthermore, is irritatingly obvious, and the whole thing is an ill-conceived space-waster.

"Thurbage," another regular article in Salient, began well, but has sadly deteriorated. A once humorous feature has lapsed into a personal sneer column for the author, who, I suggest, should continue his articles in collaboration with Sy Carter, who has also run out of things to say.

Are these appalling features to be inflicted on readers for the remainder of the year?

M. C. Mitchell
