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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 5. 1966.



Unemployment amongst [unclear: juveniles] is not something new in [unclear: Fiji] Observant New Zealanders a also aware of this, but they [unclear: st] insist on sending [unclear: university] students to plant rice there, [unclear: an] intend "travelling throughout [unclear: F] Islands, testing and [unclear: vaccinas] schoolchildren, working in [unclear: the] Fiji archives, indexing and [unclear: preparing] new collections of [unclear: bool] and helping the Fiji Museum [unclear: the] Sigatoka archaeological [unclear: cavations] where ancient [unclear: livi] sites are being unearthed."

One of these days someone [unclear: w] come up with the brilliant idea [unclear: recruiting] and training the [unclear: lot] unemployed youths to do the [unclear: various] jobs.

While New Zealand students [unclear: to] Fiji to work on various [unclear: project] the youth of Fiji travel to New page 7 Zealand to work on projects of [unclear: their] own. Fiji Indians have been [unclear: erstaying] their three-months holiday" permit, in order to [unclear: retain] in some sort of employment, [unclear: there] is nothing for them back [unclear: ome]. Fijian labourers, on the her hand, do not usually have [unclear: the] air fare to come to New [unclear: Zealand] and hence they cause little double to the New Zealand Immi-gration Division.

At present there are some 150 [unclear: young] Fiji Indians who have over [unclear: ayed] their "holiday" permits by [unclear: two] months. Some have been [unclear: re] illegally from two to three cars changing their hairstyle, rowing moustaches, conforming [unclear: the] Maori mode of dress and [unclear: litating] their accent, all in order [unclear: avoid] detection by the over-[unclear: worked] New Zealand Police Force, no have enough on their hands forcing archaic liquor laws and [unclear: controlling] the over-enthusiastic tiling Stones fans.