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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 5. 1966.

Security did go bang!

Security did go bang!

Strange Comment on the security furore which surrounded the visit of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey is made by this front page of the Auckland Star.

Front page of the Auckland Star

On the left, in a now familiar picture, a New Zealander is hustled off by a security policeman. On the right, four New Zealanders meet the Vice-President.

But The Unwanted One On The Left Is One Of The Favoured Four On The Right!

Security did indeed go awry, more than the Auckland Star realised.

"The press also mixed up the gun story," the person involved told Salient.

He says that the statement that a gun was knocked from a security policeman's pocket was not correct.

"He drew the gun on me."

Salient was told. In the ensuing scuffle the gun was knocked from the policeman's hand.

The protester, badly shaken by his experience, went slowly and quietly home. "I've been in a number of protests," he says. "and never had anything like this happen before—it really shook me and 1 took a day to recover."

"Nor do I believe that the security policeman was an American. I think he's a New Zealander."