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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 12. 1967.

Jazz Workshop At Festival

Jazz Workshop At Festival

Jazz workshops were held throughout Arts Festival week, at El Segundo, a highly suitable coffee bar. A concert was given on the Tuesday evening, at which groups from all the universities performed.

Folk music workshops were also held throughout Festival at another convenient coffee bar, the Club Jamal. Folk singers also gave a concert on the Thursday evening.

Folk and Jazz combined in a lunchtime concert on Wednesday in University Hall, which was very popular. Jazz also combined with the Literary people in a session of jazz and poetry reading in the El Segundo.

VIC deligates at NZUSA social. Treasurer Murray Redford on left with MVP J. Wallance on right.

VIC deligates at NZUSA social. Treasurer Murray Redford on left with MVP J. Wallance on right.