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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 12. 1967.

Creche comes to Vic

Creche comes to Vic

A Creche was started at Victoria early this year by a small group of student mothers.

It is open on Mondays and Wednesdays, from about 9am to 2.30pm. It is under the care of a supervisor with Play Centre training and a mother helps each hour. Mothers pay 2/6 for the first hour and then 2/an hour. The creche is limited to children over the age of three months.

Any more mothers and children are welcome this term. The creche have heard of some interested mothers for next year, but it would be easier for them if these people could give them fairly definite numbers of the children they would be bringing.

Any inquiries—for this term or next year—to Helen Parsons, phone number 74896.

The first meeting of the student action committee on mental health. The committee is running a major seminar on mental health this weekend. Starting 1.30pm on sunday (10th) the seminar will feature: Dr. Bennet (Tokanu), Dr. Fraser-MacDonald (Kingseat), Peter Blizard, Dr. Geiringer and Mr. Bourne of Otago, Dr. Mirams, the director of Mental Hygiene declined to speak.

The first meeting of the student action committee on mental health. The committee is running a major seminar on mental health this weekend. Starting 1.30pm on sunday (10th) the seminar will feature: Dr. Bennet (Tokanu), Dr. Fraser-MacDonald (Kingseat), Peter Blizard, Dr. Geiringer and Mr. Bourne of Otago, Dr. Mirams, the director of Mental Hygiene declined to speak.