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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 12. 1967.



Victoria Was second to Otago in tournament golf played at Balmacewan Golf Course. Poor greens and some reconstruction work on the course made scoring difficult.

Otago's victory was due in part to local knowledge, but they had by far the strongest team. Theirs was a well deserved victory.

Stars of the Victoria team were undoubtedly the captain, Rodney Baltrop and John Billington. Both were selected to play in the six man NZU team.

Baltrop was the top individual in the stroke play with a four round total of 307. He reached the final of the match play only to succumb to another Freyberg player, P. Adams of Otago.

R. Barltrop chipping onto a green at Dunedin, Rodney came second in the individual class.—D. Smith photo

R. Barltrop chipping onto a green at Dunedin, Rodney came second in the individual class.
D. Smith photo

In Adams, Baltrop had the misfortune of an opponent who included three birdies and two eagles in his round. Adams was five under the card when the match finished.

Tournament results were:

Otago 933 1st

Victoria 965 2nd

Auckland 967 3rd.

In the NBU match play final, P. Adams brat R. Baltrop seven and five.