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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Volume 31 Number 16 July 16, 1968



We want a sports editor. We have been willing to devote up to a page a week to sports and the sports editor would have almost total control of this.

Clubs should write notes about their own activities. The sports editor would check and rearrange these, and also organise reporting of games and events.

If he was interested he could learn to do the layout of the page, too returns. The result of having tea with an editor. Kerr recommends tea without editor for a refreshing change.

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"Mellish wanted to join the Army and serve in Vietnam" stated a report from Sydney. As you would expect, he is being taken to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

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The New Zealand Founders Society is holding its annual antique fair. All members are requested to be present.

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"The New Zealand civil war was started by student and worker dissatisfaction in the late 60's and the early 70's.

"The first phase was a confrontation between the rebellious elements and the establishment in demonstrations. These were tolerated until they began to find support, after which the leaders were arrested for disorderly behaviour or incitement when they attempted to speak to the crowd.

"This presaged the next step, which was to declare any demonstration against the government disorderly per se. The arrest of 526 members of a Vuwsa Sgm in 1969, on the grounds of disorderly conduct in that they were organising a demonstration, and that as it was a minority group it was therefore undemocratic, sparked off the former student leader Rupert Alister Halls-Taylor and supported by former Cabinet Minister Jack Marshall, who enticed the NZ Army into his garden shed and kept them under garden shed arrest.

"The Navy did not join the coup until later, after even their modern .303 armanent proved ineffective against the Taylor HQ at Petone Railway Station. The former Prime Minister Keith Holyoake, with a few loyal troops and other bodies, fled to Stewart Island, where they continue to live on American gold and the Stewart Islanders.

"In spite of American threats to 'Unleash Keith Holyoake' the Taylor regime continues, and has just passed a law making anti-Holyoake demontsrations mandatory for all people between the ages of 14 and 70, with concessions for the halt, lame, and infirm."

"New Zealand Politics in the 1960's — The Age of Tedium" P. Point 1972.

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