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Salient: Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Vol. 32, No. 1. 1969.

Inconvenience to end soon

page 10

Inconvenience to end soon

Inconveniences to students—caused by the alterations to the Student Union—should be ended within a month.

At the moment most of the second floor of the building is affected by the work.

The common common room and the nearby corridor are closed completely, and access to the Memorial Theatre is severely limited.

The new Salient office will not be in use for at least a week.

Mr. Boyd, the managing secretary of the SUB, estimates that It will be four weeks before this area is open,

He said the contractors had been very cooperative and were concentrating on these areas while the dry weather continued.

Simon Arnold, the House Committee chairman, and the president of the Association, are trying to make alternative arrangements.

They are negotiating with the university authorities for the use of the New Lecture Block foyer as a temporary common room.

This would also solve the Important problem of furniture storage,

The president of the Students' Association, Gerald Curry, asked for a "large degree of tolerance from the student community".

"When finished it will provide good facilities for relaxation away from student life."