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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33, No. 2 4 March 1970

The Immortal Blind Lemon Jefferson

The Immortal Blind Lemon Jefferson.

At one time Blind Lemon Jefferson was the best known of the rural blues singers. Then, with interest in blues music increasing, he fell out of favour for some unknown reason and was sadly overlooked in the reissue programme. This omission has been made good in recent years by the issuing overseas of at least Four albums. One of these—and it's the best in my opinion—has been released here in New Zealand.

An objective assessment of blues would have to concede that Blind Lemon was amone the greatest ten singers and his advanced guitar work would rank him even higher in some opinions. He was very influential, he stands as an epitome of Texas bluesmen and his lyrical inventiveness if rivalled by few others.

His intricate guitar technique complements his unstrained voice to perfection—especially listen to Hangman's Blues on this album which is one of the outstanding tracks. Although this technique was complex it never seems to be decorative or unnecessary but provides an integral part of his style.

Blind Lemon was a great influence on the Texas style', if such a style exists, of such singers as Lightnin' Hopkins and Huddie Lead better even on T-Bone Walker who was once his "lead boy" as was Josh White.

Blind Lemon Jefferson died in 1930; his frozen body was found one morning after a particularly severe snow storm and his plea of See That My Grave Is Kept Clean has been fulfilled in recent years by the efforts of blues lovers in America, with the assistance of Alan Lomax. The sound quality of this LP is quite the best I have heard considering the fact that the original pressings were the product of the Paramount Record Company, who were notorious for the dubious quality of their products, especially the excessive surface noise. The recording on this album—made from 78's recorded in the late 20's—must have been made from either exceptionally clear masters or else in reprocessing 'cleaning up' has been achieved without affecting the original sound.

I strongly recommend this album as essential to all blues lovers and would like to add that if this LP sells well there could be a second volume released that is almost as good.